
March 1, 2024

Trailblazers in Jewish Feminism

Statements and Press Releases
February 20, 2024

Jewish on Campus and ADL Form Partnership to Support Jewish Students Amid Rising Hate

Statements and Press Releases
January 16, 2024

Jewish on Campus and the Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law Filed a Title VI Complaint with the Department of Education against American University

Statements and Press Releases
September 8, 2023

Nearly Three-in-Five Jewish Students Surveyed Have Witnessed or Experienced an Antisemitic Incident, Jewish on Campus/Ipsos Survey Finds

Statements and Press Releases
August 28, 2023

Statement on the Jacksonville Shootings

August 10, 2023

French Antisemitism and the Myth of Laïcité: Perspectives of a Jewish Student Studying Abroad in France

Read more from Jewish on Campus Ambassador Stephanie Rosenberg on her experience as a Jewish student studying abroad in France.
July 20, 2023

The Inherent Narcissism of Proselytizing

Read more from Jewish on Campus Ambassador Sam Hirschel about proselytization and how it affects Jewish students.
July 14, 2023

What is a Jewish Person?

Read from Jewish on Campus Ambassador Yehonatan Mileguir on what makes a Jewish person.
June 22, 2023

Jewish Womanhood in Between JAPs and Hasidim: Where is our Representation?

Statements and Press Releases
June 16, 2023

Jewish on Campus Appreciates Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Verdict

Statements and Press Releases
June 8, 2023

Department of Education Opens Investigation of Antisemitism at SUNY New Paltz

Statements and Press Releases
May 25, 2023

Jewish on Campus Supports Biden Administration’s Antisemitism Strategy, Applauds Inclusion of Student Voices

“When Jewish students are heard and their stories uplifted, positive change happens,” said CEO Julia Jassey
May 3, 2023

A Conversation about Women’s Multifaceted Identities

Read about the latest Jewish on Campus webinar series installment, hosting Blair Imani, Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, and Miriam Ezagui.
May 2, 2023

The Taboo on Campus of Jewish Summer Vacation Plans

Read more from Galia Wechsler about the taboo on Jewish summer vacation plans and the double standards Jewish students are facing.
April 11, 2023

Quotas to Kosher Bans and the Deep-Rooted History of Collegiate Antisemitism

Antisemitism is present on college campuses all over the world. While antisemitism is on the rise, its presence has a deep-rooted history.
Statements and Press Releases
April 4, 2023

Jewish on Campus Applauds Enforcement of Title VI to Protect Jewish Students at the University of Vermont

The Department of Education's OCR put forward a resolution agreement outlining concerns about the handling of antisemitism at UVM.
March 28, 2023

Antisemitism and its Relationship with Political Polarization

Statements and Press Releases
February 28, 2023

Open Letter to the University of Minnesota Administration

An Open Letter to the University of Minnesota Administration Concerning Nicholson Hall
February 23, 2023

UC Berkeley Reinforces its Reputation: Students Debate Antisemitism for 7 Hours

January 31, 2023

"Never Forget" is Not Enough

Jewish on Campus Chief Marketing Officer Michal Cohen sits down with Holocaust survivor and author Tova Friedman.
January 2, 2023

Exploring the Roots and Repercussions of Antisemitism: From the Maccabees and the Soviet Union to Campus

We hosted the second webinar of our series, where CEO Julia Jassey led the conversation with two Soviet Jews and their experiences.
December 21, 2022

Modern-day Maccabees

There is often hope of someone catching a glimpse of the lit candlesticks from the outside, telling the world that a Jew lives here proudly.
Statements and Press Releases
December 13, 2022

Jewish on Campus welcomes President Joe Biden Announcement on Creation of Interagency Group to Develop a National Strategy on Countering Antisemitism

With the President’s powerful condemnation of antisemitism, he has made clear his commitment to the safety of the Jewish people.
Statements and Press Releases
December 5, 2022

Jewish on Campus invited to participate in a White House roundtable on antisemitism

Jewish on Campus thanks the White House for inviting them to a roundtable discussion on combatting antisemitism.
November 28, 2022

Yik Yak: Antisemitism's New Home

Antisemitism on social media is an ever-present problem, but the resurgence of Yik Yak has created a whole new side to the problem. 
November 16, 2022

Who are the Jewish People?

What does it mean to be Jewish? Despite appearing to be a simple question, it’s not. Jews are not a monolith. We don’t fit into a box.
November 11, 2022

I'm Tired of Just "Moving On" from Antisemitism

November 8, 2022

Beyond the Poll: American Jews and Political Homelessness

"Still, Jews refuse to throw in the towel, hoping that the Jewish community can continue fighting for a safer future in the United States."
November 8, 2022

What does it Mean to be Tougher than Antisemitism?

Missed our first webinar? Catch up on what it means to be tougher than antisemitism.
November 7, 2022

Reflections on the 2022-2023 Ambassador Program’s First Open Forum

Read the Ambassador Program President's reflection on the first Open Forum of the year.
October 31, 2022

University Doesn’t Have to be a Negative Experience

"While there are many stories of antisemitism on campus, there are also successes stories," writes Taylor Levy.
October 24, 2022

Jew-ish: The Pressure to Assimilate

“Do you consider yourself more ‘Jew’ or ‘ish?’” Galia Wechsler dives into the pressures of what it means to be Jewish in 2022.
September 29, 2022

When the High Holidays Become Regular Days

What happens when the High Holidays become regular days? You pass people on your way to shul, everyone around you has their backpack on.
September 19, 2022

Students for Justice in Palestine: Hostility over Justice

The Palestinian people deserve justice and equality, but their statehood and identity should not come at the expense of Jewish students.
Statements and Press Releases
September 18, 2022

Open Letter to University of Wisconsin, Madison Administration

Open Letter to University of Wisconsin, Madison Administration Concerning Antisemitism on Campus
Statements and Press Releases
September 16, 2022

To Our Community...

Statements and Press Releases
September 16, 2022

Brandeis Center and Jewish on Campus call UVM Garimella’s “dismissive" response to federal investigation into anti-Semitism “astonishingly inadequate” and “offensive”

The Louis D. Brandeis Center and Jewish on Campus respond to UVM's statement about Department of Education investigation.
Statements and Press Releases
September 16, 2022

Jewish orgs. respond with grave alarm to UVM Pres' denial of antisemitism allegations

Jewish organizations respond with grave alarm to UVM Presidents denial of antisemitism allegations
September 13, 2022

Breakdown of the Title VI complaint against the University of Vermont

Jewish on Campus and the Louis D. Brandeis Center filed a Title VI complaint against the University of Vermont. Here's what happened.
Statements and Press Releases
September 13, 2022

U.S. Dept of Ed Opens Investigation Into Anti-Semitism at the University of Vermont

The Department of Education OCR opened an investigation following a Title VI complaint filed by JOC and the Louis D. Brandeis Center.
Statements and Press Releases
September 13, 2022

Personal Reports from UVM Students to Jewish on Campus 

September 12, 2022

No, Jews Don't Want Another The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Book

September 9, 2022

To Whom it May Concern, Don't Platform Antisemites.

A students return to campus, universities have an obligation not to extend speaking invitations to known antisemites.
Statements and Press Releases
September 1, 2022

Jewish on Campus' Statement on the Recent Supreme Court Petition by YU

Jewish on Campus' statement on the recent Supreme Court appeal by Yeshiva University
September 1, 2022

Fighting antisemitism starts with defining it

In order to understand how antisemitism manifests itself in the modern day, it must be defined.
August 25, 2022

Approaching Antisemitism in College

Here's what you need to know going back to school as antisemitism continues to rise.
Statements and Press Releases
August 18, 2022

Jewish Sexual Assault Victims Expelled from Support Group File Complaint with  U.S. Department of Education

Jewish on Campus partnered with the Louis D. Brandeis Center to file a Title VI complaint against SUNY New Paltz.
August 12, 2022

Jewish identity in the age of social media

Our understanding of the Jewish people must not come from the hatred we face, but from the resilience and pride we feel for being Jewish.
July 27, 2022

Jewish on (a Catholic) Campus: The JOC Ambassador Program’s Impact at Notre Dame

When I chose the University of Notre Dame, I anticipated some adjustment for a Jew attending arguably the world’s most Catholic university.
July 25, 2022

Soviet Union propaganda has spilled over onto college campuses

Throughout Soviet rule, Soviet leaders stated their country was free of antisemitism.
July 13, 2022

An Open Letter to McGill University

Representing Jewish students at McGill University, Jewish on Campus calls on the administration to protect their Jewish community.
June 28, 2022

The duality of antisemitism

Antisemitism alters its mask to fit the current era, with old tropes are dug up and rebranded to fit the current social environment.
June 9, 2022

The false hope of BDS

In recent years, antisemitism on campus has taken the form of demonizing a movement that is inherently connected to the Jewish people.
May 9, 2022

Assimilation into Whiteness and Jewish Identity

Growing up on Long Island in New York, I became very familiar with the term “Jewish American Princess.”
April 14, 2022

The Canadian Federation of Students’ iron fist on universities

From the antisemitism that runs rampant within CFS to their unfair election campaigns, something must change.
March 31, 2022

An Open Letter to the Duke University President

In the upcoming event, “Narrating Resistance and Agency: Shifting the Discourse on Palestine,” Duke University intends to spend $16,835 to feature Mohammed El-Kurd, thereby directly funding a vocal supporter of violence against minorities, and endorsing El-Kurd’s support for terrorism.
March 15, 2022

The Definitive Ranking of Hamantaschen Fillings

I will be judging hamantaschen fillings not on their taste, having not tried most of them, but rather on the way I expect they would taste.
February 21, 2022

To a WUSTL student club, Jews are white supremacists

The analogy that Jews are white supremacists for recognizing and having a connection to their homeland isolates Jewish students.
February 14, 2022

The Place Where They Tried to Kill Us

I am Jewish for those who came before me and for those who will come after me. Am Yisrael Chai. The Jewish people shall live.
Statements and Press Releases
February 7, 2022

Report: Most Campus Antisemitism Happens In-Person

The first national study conducted by students shows that almost three-quarters of incidents took place in-person, with the rest online.
January 19, 2022

Jewish, in Greek Life

I can remember the exact moment the bubble popped. Ignorance dripped away like raindrops on a windowpane.
January 5, 2022

The pattern of antisemitism at George Washington University

At a university where Jewish students make up 24% of undergraduates, one would hope antisemitism doesn’t breed on school grounds.
November 10, 2021

What Canadian children (don’t) learn about the Holocaust

Less than a century after the Holocaust, the memory and impact of what occured remains scarring.
Statements and Press Releases
October 26, 2021

World Jewish Congress, Jewish on Campus ‘Join Forces’ To Combat Antisemitism at Universities

World Jewish Congress, Jewish on Campus ‘Join Forces’ To Combat Antisemitism at Universities.
October 25, 2021

The Attack on Mezuzot

At Northeastern University in Boston, a mezuzah at the campus Hillel was defaced over the weekend of October 16.
September 24, 2021

Mezuzah Taken Down at Tufts University on Two Separate Occasions in One Month

At Tufts University, those who affix the mezuzah on their door have become a target for antisemitic acts of vandalization.
September 17, 2021

Internalized antisemitism turns institutional at UVic

tudents deserve to learn about sensitive topics with a professor who does not hold biases, thus allowing for a more sound education.
September 15, 2021

A day in the life of a Diaspora Israeli

I tell my story not to gain sympathy or “I’m sorry this happened to you,” but to humanize the lived experiences of millions of Israelis.
September 12, 2021

The Antisemitism at UVM Seeps Off Campus

When a university fails to protect marginalized students from brazen discrimination, one can only expect antisemitism to flourish.
September 3, 2021

University of Toronto: Antisemitism from the top down

Though an antisemitism working group was created in December 2020 the university still faces the same issues of antisemitism 1 year later.
September 1, 2021

Horseshoe Theory, the Squad, and the Bipartisan Tendency Toward Antisemitism

Diversity and adaptability have allowed the Jewish people’s faith and traditions to continue.
August 25, 2021

UNC violates agreement with the Department of Education

Upholding academic freedom should be of utmost concern to the administration at UNC, especially given the history of antisemitism on campus.
August 19, 2021

The Right (and Left) Sides of History

As a Jew, I don’t have the privilege of forgetting Nazis exist. The intergenerational trauma of the Holocaust is an ever-present motif in my Jewish experience. When we say “never forget,” we mean it literally. Every day that I am alive and Jewish is a day that I am grateful for. Every breath I take is a constant reminder of the resilience my ancestors were blessed with time and time again; and on every birthday, I look down at my hands in amazement, unsure what I did to deserve another year in a world where my Judaism is not a death sentence
August 12, 2021

Where’s Our Wonder Woman?

So I am asking: when will religious women be shown with our unique ability to save the world? When will we see a Wonder Woman in a skirt below her knees, or a heroine with the autonomy to decide on her own what empowers her? When will services like Netflix finally abandon this archaic, single-track idea that women are only free once they leave Orthodoxy, and begin to embrace that embracing a 2,000 year old culture of joy, empowerment, and love can be just as liberating as choosing another path?
August 11, 2021

Jew-ish: My Italian-Jewish Identity Crisis

Assimilation would never help me escape antisemitism, and my Jewish family was always there waiting for me to come home.
August 10, 2021

Uncovering my Jewish Identity

I have learned to embrace the changing face of my Judaism. Our ever-evolving culture is what makes it so beautiful and has allowed it to survive for centuries. I may not have all the answers yet, but that’s what makes this journey so exciting
August 9, 2021

Homecoming in a Hillel House

While my Jewish practices are now more focused, that initial feeling of both wonder and intense familiarity still takes my breath away.
July 29, 2021

Rutgers Student Groups Call for Defunding of Hillel and other “Zionist Organizations”

In a post-Holocaust world, it is undeniable that antisemitism knows no bounds but rather molds itself to fit the popular narrative.
July 27, 2021

Jewish sexual assault survivors unwelcome at UVM and GW

After removing Jewish voices and refusing to have an open conversation, student groups are making it clear that Jews are not welcome.
January 24, 2021

Open Letter to Gavin Newsom on California’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum

Dear Governor Newsom, veto AB331 which upholds the legacy of the same antisemitism which uprooted millions of Jews throughout history.
August 21, 2020

How my Muslim roommate helped me keep Shabbat

Being Jewish on campus can be a scary thing, but to have someone embrace you for your entire identity truly is a beautiful thing.
August 21, 2020

Elul: My Year in Mitzvot

The beauty of the Jewish calendar is that we grow each time we repeat it. We are not the same souls we were, and we are not supposed to be.
August 14, 2020

Finding Joy in Jewish Identity

To return, to bring Judaism back, is not necessarily religious, but a shedding of 5,780 years of shame that has burdened the Jewish people.
August 14, 2020

Obnoxiously Jewish: The Best Revenge

Yes, we have been persecuted, but that is just a testament to our strength. We have such a beautiful, deep, and ancient culture.
August 13, 2020

Jewish Pride

I love that not only have we survived multiple attempts of destruction, but we thrived by creating a distinct and beautiful culture.
August 5, 2020

It’s Time For Jews To Take Back The ‘Z’ Word.

In the word Zionism is power. The power of Jews to control their own destiny, to revitalize their thousands of years old culture.
August 5, 2020

How I Learned to Love My Jewish-Israeli Name

I do not just wear my name for myself, I wear it for those who came before me, and allowed me to tell my story.
August 5, 2020

How Jewish Modesty Laws Helped Me Cope With My Sexual Assault

To empower yourself is to empower which decision is right for you that decision, for now, is to dictate consent in all facets of my life.
March 1, 2024

Trailblazers in Jewish Feminism

August 10, 2023

French Antisemitism and the Myth of Laïcité: Perspectives of a Jewish Student Studying Abroad in France

Read more from Jewish on Campus Ambassador Stephanie Rosenberg on her experience as a Jewish student studying abroad in France.
July 20, 2023

The Inherent Narcissism of Proselytizing

Read more from Jewish on Campus Ambassador Sam Hirschel about proselytization and how it affects Jewish students.
July 14, 2023

What is a Jewish Person?

Read from Jewish on Campus Ambassador Yehonatan Mileguir on what makes a Jewish person.
June 22, 2023

Jewish Womanhood in Between JAPs and Hasidim: Where is our Representation?

May 3, 2023

A Conversation about Women’s Multifaceted Identities

Read about the latest Jewish on Campus webinar series installment, hosting Blair Imani, Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, and Miriam Ezagui.
May 2, 2023

The Taboo on Campus of Jewish Summer Vacation Plans

Read more from Galia Wechsler about the taboo on Jewish summer vacation plans and the double standards Jewish students are facing.
April 11, 2023

Quotas to Kosher Bans and the Deep-Rooted History of Collegiate Antisemitism

Antisemitism is present on college campuses all over the world. While antisemitism is on the rise, its presence has a deep-rooted history.
March 28, 2023

Antisemitism and its Relationship with Political Polarization

February 23, 2023

UC Berkeley Reinforces its Reputation: Students Debate Antisemitism for 7 Hours

January 31, 2023

"Never Forget" is Not Enough

Jewish on Campus Chief Marketing Officer Michal Cohen sits down with Holocaust survivor and author Tova Friedman.
January 2, 2023

Exploring the Roots and Repercussions of Antisemitism: From the Maccabees and the Soviet Union to Campus

We hosted the second webinar of our series, where CEO Julia Jassey led the conversation with two Soviet Jews and their experiences.
December 21, 2022

Modern-day Maccabees

There is often hope of someone catching a glimpse of the lit candlesticks from the outside, telling the world that a Jew lives here proudly.
November 28, 2022

Yik Yak: Antisemitism's New Home

Antisemitism on social media is an ever-present problem, but the resurgence of Yik Yak has created a whole new side to the problem. 
November 16, 2022

Who are the Jewish People?

What does it mean to be Jewish? Despite appearing to be a simple question, it’s not. Jews are not a monolith. We don’t fit into a box.
November 11, 2022

I'm Tired of Just "Moving On" from Antisemitism

November 8, 2022

Beyond the Poll: American Jews and Political Homelessness

"Still, Jews refuse to throw in the towel, hoping that the Jewish community can continue fighting for a safer future in the United States."
November 8, 2022

What does it Mean to be Tougher than Antisemitism?

Missed our first webinar? Catch up on what it means to be tougher than antisemitism.
November 7, 2022

Reflections on the 2022-2023 Ambassador Program’s First Open Forum

Read the Ambassador Program President's reflection on the first Open Forum of the year.
October 31, 2022

University Doesn’t Have to be a Negative Experience

"While there are many stories of antisemitism on campus, there are also successes stories," writes Taylor Levy.
October 24, 2022

Jew-ish: The Pressure to Assimilate

“Do you consider yourself more ‘Jew’ or ‘ish?’” Galia Wechsler dives into the pressures of what it means to be Jewish in 2022.
September 29, 2022

When the High Holidays Become Regular Days

What happens when the High Holidays become regular days? You pass people on your way to shul, everyone around you has their backpack on.
September 19, 2022

Students for Justice in Palestine: Hostility over Justice

The Palestinian people deserve justice and equality, but their statehood and identity should not come at the expense of Jewish students.
September 13, 2022

Breakdown of the Title VI complaint against the University of Vermont

Jewish on Campus and the Louis D. Brandeis Center filed a Title VI complaint against the University of Vermont. Here's what happened.
September 12, 2022

No, Jews Don't Want Another The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Book

September 9, 2022

To Whom it May Concern, Don't Platform Antisemites.

A students return to campus, universities have an obligation not to extend speaking invitations to known antisemites.
September 1, 2022

Fighting antisemitism starts with defining it

In order to understand how antisemitism manifests itself in the modern day, it must be defined.
August 25, 2022

Approaching Antisemitism in College

Here's what you need to know going back to school as antisemitism continues to rise.
August 12, 2022

Jewish identity in the age of social media

Our understanding of the Jewish people must not come from the hatred we face, but from the resilience and pride we feel for being Jewish.
July 27, 2022

Jewish on (a Catholic) Campus: The JOC Ambassador Program’s Impact at Notre Dame

When I chose the University of Notre Dame, I anticipated some adjustment for a Jew attending arguably the world’s most Catholic university.
July 25, 2022

Soviet Union propaganda has spilled over onto college campuses

Throughout Soviet rule, Soviet leaders stated their country was free of antisemitism.
July 13, 2022

An Open Letter to McGill University

Representing Jewish students at McGill University, Jewish on Campus calls on the administration to protect their Jewish community.
June 28, 2022

The duality of antisemitism

Antisemitism alters its mask to fit the current era, with old tropes are dug up and rebranded to fit the current social environment.
June 9, 2022

The false hope of BDS

In recent years, antisemitism on campus has taken the form of demonizing a movement that is inherently connected to the Jewish people.
May 9, 2022

Assimilation into Whiteness and Jewish Identity

Growing up on Long Island in New York, I became very familiar with the term “Jewish American Princess.”
April 14, 2022

The Canadian Federation of Students’ iron fist on universities

From the antisemitism that runs rampant within CFS to their unfair election campaigns, something must change.
March 31, 2022

An Open Letter to the Duke University President

In the upcoming event, “Narrating Resistance and Agency: Shifting the Discourse on Palestine,” Duke University intends to spend $16,835 to feature Mohammed El-Kurd, thereby directly funding a vocal supporter of violence against minorities, and endorsing El-Kurd’s support for terrorism.
March 15, 2022

The Definitive Ranking of Hamantaschen Fillings

I will be judging hamantaschen fillings not on their taste, having not tried most of them, but rather on the way I expect they would taste.
February 21, 2022

To a WUSTL student club, Jews are white supremacists

The analogy that Jews are white supremacists for recognizing and having a connection to their homeland isolates Jewish students.
February 14, 2022

The Place Where They Tried to Kill Us

I am Jewish for those who came before me and for those who will come after me. Am Yisrael Chai. The Jewish people shall live.
January 19, 2022

Jewish, in Greek Life

I can remember the exact moment the bubble popped. Ignorance dripped away like raindrops on a windowpane.
January 5, 2022

The pattern of antisemitism at George Washington University

At a university where Jewish students make up 24% of undergraduates, one would hope antisemitism doesn’t breed on school grounds.
November 10, 2021

What Canadian children (don’t) learn about the Holocaust

Less than a century after the Holocaust, the memory and impact of what occured remains scarring.
October 25, 2021

The Attack on Mezuzot

At Northeastern University in Boston, a mezuzah at the campus Hillel was defaced over the weekend of October 16.
September 24, 2021

Mezuzah Taken Down at Tufts University on Two Separate Occasions in One Month

At Tufts University, those who affix the mezuzah on their door have become a target for antisemitic acts of vandalization.
September 17, 2021

Internalized antisemitism turns institutional at UVic

tudents deserve to learn about sensitive topics with a professor who does not hold biases, thus allowing for a more sound education.
September 15, 2021

A day in the life of a Diaspora Israeli

I tell my story not to gain sympathy or “I’m sorry this happened to you,” but to humanize the lived experiences of millions of Israelis.
September 12, 2021

The Antisemitism at UVM Seeps Off Campus

When a university fails to protect marginalized students from brazen discrimination, one can only expect antisemitism to flourish.
September 3, 2021

University of Toronto: Antisemitism from the top down

Though an antisemitism working group was created in December 2020 the university still faces the same issues of antisemitism 1 year later.
September 1, 2021

Horseshoe Theory, the Squad, and the Bipartisan Tendency Toward Antisemitism

Diversity and adaptability have allowed the Jewish people’s faith and traditions to continue.
August 25, 2021

UNC violates agreement with the Department of Education

Upholding academic freedom should be of utmost concern to the administration at UNC, especially given the history of antisemitism on campus.
August 19, 2021

The Right (and Left) Sides of History

As a Jew, I don’t have the privilege of forgetting Nazis exist. The intergenerational trauma of the Holocaust is an ever-present motif in my Jewish experience. When we say “never forget,” we mean it literally. Every day that I am alive and Jewish is a day that I am grateful for. Every breath I take is a constant reminder of the resilience my ancestors were blessed with time and time again; and on every birthday, I look down at my hands in amazement, unsure what I did to deserve another year in a world where my Judaism is not a death sentence
August 12, 2021

Where’s Our Wonder Woman?

So I am asking: when will religious women be shown with our unique ability to save the world? When will we see a Wonder Woman in a skirt below her knees, or a heroine with the autonomy to decide on her own what empowers her? When will services like Netflix finally abandon this archaic, single-track idea that women are only free once they leave Orthodoxy, and begin to embrace that embracing a 2,000 year old culture of joy, empowerment, and love can be just as liberating as choosing another path?
August 11, 2021

Jew-ish: My Italian-Jewish Identity Crisis

Assimilation would never help me escape antisemitism, and my Jewish family was always there waiting for me to come home.
August 10, 2021

Uncovering my Jewish Identity

I have learned to embrace the changing face of my Judaism. Our ever-evolving culture is what makes it so beautiful and has allowed it to survive for centuries. I may not have all the answers yet, but that’s what makes this journey so exciting
August 9, 2021

Homecoming in a Hillel House

While my Jewish practices are now more focused, that initial feeling of both wonder and intense familiarity still takes my breath away.
July 29, 2021

Rutgers Student Groups Call for Defunding of Hillel and other “Zionist Organizations”

In a post-Holocaust world, it is undeniable that antisemitism knows no bounds but rather molds itself to fit the popular narrative.
July 27, 2021

Jewish sexual assault survivors unwelcome at UVM and GW

After removing Jewish voices and refusing to have an open conversation, student groups are making it clear that Jews are not welcome.
January 24, 2021

Open Letter to Gavin Newsom on California’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum

Dear Governor Newsom, veto AB331 which upholds the legacy of the same antisemitism which uprooted millions of Jews throughout history.
August 21, 2020

How my Muslim roommate helped me keep Shabbat

Being Jewish on campus can be a scary thing, but to have someone embrace you for your entire identity truly is a beautiful thing.
August 21, 2020

Elul: My Year in Mitzvot

The beauty of the Jewish calendar is that we grow each time we repeat it. We are not the same souls we were, and we are not supposed to be.
August 14, 2020

Finding Joy in Jewish Identity

To return, to bring Judaism back, is not necessarily religious, but a shedding of 5,780 years of shame that has burdened the Jewish people.
August 14, 2020

Obnoxiously Jewish: The Best Revenge

Yes, we have been persecuted, but that is just a testament to our strength. We have such a beautiful, deep, and ancient culture.
August 13, 2020

Jewish Pride

I love that not only have we survived multiple attempts of destruction, but we thrived by creating a distinct and beautiful culture.
August 5, 2020

It’s Time For Jews To Take Back The ‘Z’ Word.

In the word Zionism is power. The power of Jews to control their own destiny, to revitalize their thousands of years old culture.
August 5, 2020

How I Learned to Love My Jewish-Israeli Name

I do not just wear my name for myself, I wear it for those who came before me, and allowed me to tell my story.
August 5, 2020

How Jewish Modesty Laws Helped Me Cope With My Sexual Assault

To empower yourself is to empower which decision is right for you that decision, for now, is to dictate consent in all facets of my life.
Statements and Press Releases
February 20, 2024

Jewish on Campus and ADL Form Partnership to Support Jewish Students Amid Rising Hate

Statements and Press Releases
January 16, 2024

Jewish on Campus and the Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law Filed a Title VI Complaint with the Department of Education against American University

Statements and Press Releases
September 8, 2023

Nearly Three-in-Five Jewish Students Surveyed Have Witnessed or Experienced an Antisemitic Incident, Jewish on Campus/Ipsos Survey Finds

Statements and Press Releases
August 28, 2023

Statement on the Jacksonville Shootings

Statements and Press Releases
June 16, 2023

Jewish on Campus Appreciates Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Verdict

Statements and Press Releases
June 8, 2023

Department of Education Opens Investigation of Antisemitism at SUNY New Paltz

Statements and Press Releases
May 25, 2023

Jewish on Campus Supports Biden Administration’s Antisemitism Strategy, Applauds Inclusion of Student Voices

“When Jewish students are heard and their stories uplifted, positive change happens,” said CEO Julia Jassey
Statements and Press Releases
April 4, 2023

Jewish on Campus Applauds Enforcement of Title VI to Protect Jewish Students at the University of Vermont

The Department of Education's OCR put forward a resolution agreement outlining concerns about the handling of antisemitism at UVM.
Statements and Press Releases
February 28, 2023

Open Letter to the University of Minnesota Administration

An Open Letter to the University of Minnesota Administration Concerning Nicholson Hall
Statements and Press Releases
December 13, 2022

Jewish on Campus welcomes President Joe Biden Announcement on Creation of Interagency Group to Develop a National Strategy on Countering Antisemitism

With the President’s powerful condemnation of antisemitism, he has made clear his commitment to the safety of the Jewish people.
Statements and Press Releases
December 5, 2022

Jewish on Campus invited to participate in a White House roundtable on antisemitism

Jewish on Campus thanks the White House for inviting them to a roundtable discussion on combatting antisemitism.
Statements and Press Releases
September 18, 2022

Open Letter to University of Wisconsin, Madison Administration

Open Letter to University of Wisconsin, Madison Administration Concerning Antisemitism on Campus
Statements and Press Releases
September 16, 2022

To Our Community...

Statements and Press Releases
September 16, 2022

Brandeis Center and Jewish on Campus call UVM Garimella’s “dismissive" response to federal investigation into anti-Semitism “astonishingly inadequate” and “offensive”

The Louis D. Brandeis Center and Jewish on Campus respond to UVM's statement about Department of Education investigation.
Statements and Press Releases
September 16, 2022

Jewish orgs. respond with grave alarm to UVM Pres' denial of antisemitism allegations

Jewish organizations respond with grave alarm to UVM Presidents denial of antisemitism allegations
Statements and Press Releases
September 13, 2022

U.S. Dept of Ed Opens Investigation Into Anti-Semitism at the University of Vermont

The Department of Education OCR opened an investigation following a Title VI complaint filed by JOC and the Louis D. Brandeis Center.
Statements and Press Releases
September 13, 2022

Personal Reports from UVM Students to Jewish on Campus 

Statements and Press Releases
September 1, 2022

Jewish on Campus' Statement on the Recent Supreme Court Petition by YU

Jewish on Campus' statement on the recent Supreme Court appeal by Yeshiva University
Statements and Press Releases
August 18, 2022

Jewish Sexual Assault Victims Expelled from Support Group File Complaint with  U.S. Department of Education

Jewish on Campus partnered with the Louis D. Brandeis Center to file a Title VI complaint against SUNY New Paltz.
Statements and Press Releases
February 7, 2022

Report: Most Campus Antisemitism Happens In-Person

The first national study conducted by students shows that almost three-quarters of incidents took place in-person, with the rest online.
Statements and Press Releases
October 26, 2021

World Jewish Congress, Jewish on Campus ‘Join Forces’ To Combat Antisemitism at Universities

World Jewish Congress, Jewish on Campus ‘Join Forces’ To Combat Antisemitism at Universities.